Style 2012
- 3 module + syringe as a standard option up to 5 modules
- Double porcelain top takes two Ritter size trays.
- Pneumatic self balancing arm with smooth up down operation
- Touch control of the cup filling, bawl washing, lamp on\off and control of all the chair functions including programming
- Junction box with filter and regulator.
- Foot control with chip blower and water on off command.
- Periapical X-ray viewer mounted on bracket table within easy reach.
- Big X-ray viewer mounted on bracket table within easy reach
- Option for Built in Satelec Ultrasonic. .
- Option for Electric Micro motor with or without light.
- Option for Fiber optic High speed hand piece.
- Option for 3 sizes of swivel trays
- Option for a side arm (that way the hand pieces are in the right side of the unit
- Option for flat LCD screen
- Option for clean water system
- Option for build in Satelec light cure